Reconstruction Notes


    Shorter recovery time
    Shorter, less complex surgery
    Only 1 scar
    Sensation possible with nerve grafting and nerve preservation


    Potentially less natural look 
    Doesn’t age or change with the rest of the body 
    Must be replaced periodically. Current recommendations are to leave implants in place until any issues arise; surgeons are now expecting something like replacement every ~20-25 years.


    Using your own tissue/fat from other areas of your body, so no foreign objects in your body
    Natural looking
    Sensation possible with ReSensation 
    Never have to worry about replacing implants or worry about side effects from implants
    Ages naturally with the body
    Naturally adjusts to weight fluctuations (i.e. when you lose weight, your breasts change proportionally)
    Don’t need future scans
    If DIEP: tightens abdominal region 


    Sometimes difficult to find an experienced/well-trained micro-surgeon
    Not everyone is a good candidate due to body composition/type, previous abdominal surgeries, or small blood vessels/blood vessels not in the right place
    Extremely long surgery (mastectomy + reconstruction can be as long as 10-12 hours) 
    Extremely long and often painful recovery (~a week hospital stay, and then a month of being bedridden)
    While healing, more physical restrictions for longer (around three months)
    Use of abdominal binder for weeks/months after surgery
    More than one scar: 1 scar at donor site, other scar on the breasts
    If DIEP: Risk of abdominal wall hernia or weakness


    Less risk of rippling
    Potentially better for thinner women with less fat around the breast
    Easier to find surgeons qualified in UTM than OTM


    Cutting the muscle means more complex and difficult recovery with potentially more pain
    Risk of rippling and visibility of the implant on the edges
    Risk of hyperanimation
    Less natural, softer look 
    Longer recovery to regain range of motion and rebuild the muscle


    Less tightness and chest wall pain because the muscle isn’t cut and stretched
    Faster recovery
    No risk of hyperanimation
    Tends to look more natural with a softer look


    Can be difficult for thinner women with smaller breasts or thinner skin 
    Risk of rippling and visibility of the implant on the edges
    Potentially higher risk of capsular contracture
    More difficult to find a surgeon qualified in OTM


    Remote work
    5+ years experience


    Remote work
    5+ years experience


    Remote work
    5+ years experience

Nipple Necrosis

    Remote work
    5+ years experience

Capsular Contracture

    Remote work
    5+ years experience


    Remote work
    5+ years experience

Allograft Nerve Tissue

    Remote work
    5+ years experience

Nerve Grafting

    Remote work
    5+ years experience

Nerve Preservation

    Remote work
    5+ years experience


    Remote work
    5+ years experience


Know your options.

Many surgeons don’t ever actually state that going flat is an option. There are many women who don’t want to deal with the surgeries/potential complications of getting reconstruction, and are perfectly happy with saying “no” to reconstruction altogether and remaining flat post-mastectomy. This is absolutely an option to be considered!

Make sure that your surgeon is trained in flat closure (ask to see pictures!) so that you avoid dog-ears and other lumpiness to the chest.

Timing of Reconstruction

Direct to Implant (DTI) vs. Delayed Reconstruction

Not everyone is a candidate for DTI reconstruction. If you’re going up significantly in size, or are maintaining size and are already a C+ cup, DTI may not be an option. If you fall into this category, a breast reduction first may make DTI an option. Expanders are a great option for women with C+ cups who don’t want to do a breast reduction first, or women who want to go up in size, but have an increased risk of complications (leakage, infection, deflating expanders, etc.).

The choice of DTI vs. expanders is very surgeon dependent-- be sure to ask your team what they feel is safe for you!

Implant Position

Under the Muscle (UTM) vs. Over the Muscle (OTM)

UTM was the standard of breast implant reconstruction for a long time, but OTM is quickly becoming the newer, more advanced, potentially “better” reconstruction option.

"Pre"-Surgeries (Breast Reduction)

If you are relatively “big” in size (e.g. C cup or above), it’s often advised to go smaller (e.g. A or B cup) due to higher risks of nipple necrosis (nipple dying) and infection. Some surgeons offer breast reductions + breast lifts as a separate surgery ~3 months prior to the mastectomy. This is typically a ~4hr outpatient procedure, and helps to prep the pocket for the mastectomy while maximizing chances of retaining the nipple and potentially maintaining sensation.


Most women lose sensation in their breasts after mastectomy because the nerves are cut during surgery. But there are options!

Some surgeons offer sensation-preserving techniques. If sensation is important to you, seek out surgeons either trained in microsurgery and nerve grafting/preservation, or surgeons trained in ReSensation. Be sure to confirm with your surgeon that they are trained in the above procedures and ask them about their results.